Partner Announcement: Panther Protocol

As a continued extension of our decentralized partner innovation ecosystem, I am excited to announce that we have partnered with Panther Protocol to deliver increased privacy enablement as we move forward with delivery of data driven solutions within the US and the UK.

One of the core tenets of the Kudelski ecosystem has always been secrets management within chips, root of trust (RoT), protection of digital artifacts, and ensuring the safety of our customers.

Extending our partner network into the blockchain ecosystem with Panther’s privacy preserving protocol accelerates our ability to bring data marketplace, data monetization, and DeFi enabled ecosystems more quickly to market and to offer more advanced service and build capabilities.

Our first expansion of these concepts will be into the UK market where we will work with the Panther team as well as their privacy-first Web3 development partner Stelium to unlock value within data inside the UK economy.

As we develop this relationship expect some thought leadership pieces as well as some exciting technology advancement as we explore privacy-first architectural advancements in wallets, key management, and scale.

Welcome Panther to the Kudelski Partnership Network!

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